Piano player playing to ES students

On May 10, Ellenville Elementary School students in Grades 3-6 met someone whose visit was not only inspiring, but music to their ears, too!

Concert pianist Soheil Nasseri came to speak to our students to spread his passion of music, and then he performed actual pieces, from classical composers like Mozart, Chopin, and Lizt, that he just performed in New York City earlier that week. The students were delighted, and asked many questions after the performance, such as how Nasseri memorizes his music and how his career got started.  

Nasseri encouraged the students to be open to new experiences, to pay attention to what they like to do, and invest time and energy into getting good at it. He encouraged them not to aspire to immediate perfection, but rather to work through the challenges and frustrations of new beginnings, as learning would eventually become easier and bring satisfaction and joy.

It was a wonderful way to spend a morning!