Girls on the run team members

Girls on the Run (GOTR) concluded their second season of the school year on May 31 with a celebratory 5-kilometer (5K) “Glow Run” at Manhattanville College. This marked the first time the team has participated in the Glow Run, which this year attracted more than 1,100 runners from different Hudson Valley schools!

The GOTR program aims to support girls’ social-emotional growth through a series of short lessons and collaborative running games. Participants work toward a team goal of completing a non-competitive 5K. Throughout the 10-week season, the team—which included students in Grades 3-6—met for 90 minutes, twice a week. Coached by Marlea Liguori, Elizabeth Straub, and Danielle Fox, the program is a great way for girls to build confidence as well as stamina.

This season, another first took place with the addition of a junior coach, Nicole Nero, a Grade 11 student at Ellenville Junior/Senior High School. According to Coach Liguori, Nicole made the girls feel very “special” and “seen” throughout the season—so much so that a few team members even crashed the Ellenville Junior Prom to see her all dressed up!