Ben Hartranft high fives a student

On November 24, our Elementary School community welcomed Ben Hartranft, an Autism activist and public motivator who connected with the entire school through his real-life stories and positive energy! During this Elementary-wide assembly in the Junior/Senior High School auditorium, Ben shared his journey of turning challenges into achievements, showing our students the power of determination.

Diagnosed with Autism at age 2, Ben faced early struggles with speech and reading. His determination and positive spirit—what he calls "Benergy"—led him to remarkable achievements. From working with the Philadelphia Eagles to appearing on Ellen and The Price is Right, Ben lives by his mantra: "Never let go of your dreams."

Our students were deeply engaged throughout Ben's presentation and asked thoughtful questions during the Q&A session. Each student left with one of his business cards and a boost of "Benergy!"

Want to follow Ben's journey? Visit his website.