Dear Parents & Guardians,
Due to our identification as a target district, the District is mandated by the New York State Education Department to administer school climate surveys to hear from students, staff, and families about their experiences, perceptions, and needs in our District, and use this information as one of the data points in determining the commitments/priorities of our school improvement plans.
The District began administering these surveys in 2020. The results of our 2024 survey can be found on our website.
This year, our District is partnering with Education Elements to administer our surveys. Starting on March 12, survey links will be made available to students (Grades 3-12), staff, and families, and we encourage everyone to participate. The family survey will be emailed to the email address of the primary parent/guardian noted in SchoolTool. A link can also be found here. The student survey will be sent to the email addresses of our students. Time will be provided during the school day for students to complete the survey.
The survey will remain open until March 21.
If you need assistance accessing the survey, please contact the District office at (845) 647-0100.
We thank you in advance for your support.
Lisa A. Wiles