Attention, Ellenville juniors and seniors: The Student Support Office has organized two college tours this spring.
You are invited to visit SUNY Cortland on Friday, March 28. The bus will be leaving Ellenville Junior/Senior High School at 7:45 AM and returning at 3:15 PM. Space is limited and seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Permission slips can be picked up in the Student Support Office and must be returned by Friday, March 21.
Another trip to SUNY Ulster in Stone Ridge and the Linemen Institute of the North East, in Kingston will be taking place on Thursday, May 1. The bus will be leaving Ellenville Junior/Senior High School at 8 AM and returning at 2 PM. Space is limited and seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Permission slips can be picked up in the Student Support Office and must be returned by Friday, April 25.
If you have any questions , or need more information, please call (845) 647-0138 or email Tracy Berry.