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Patty Coombe
Classroom Teacher, Special Education
Elementary School
Melissa Costello
Classroom Teacher
Elementary School
Brandon Costello
Classroom Teacher
Elementary School
Georgia Costigan
Classroom Teacher, English as a New Language
Elementary School
Jasmine Cruz
Social Worker
Elementary School
Bonnie Damms
Classroom Teacher
Elementary School
Matthew Daum
Physical Education Teacher
Elementary School
Brian Dawson
Math Teacher
Junior/Senior High School
Patrick Dechon
Science Teacher
Junior/Senior High School
Sabrina Decker
Senior Typist, CPSE and K-6 In-District
Special Education
Aimee DeLeo
Classroom Teacher
Elementary School
Marc Desarme
Social Studies Teacher
Junior/Senior High School
Erin Desarme
Reading Teacher
Elementary School
Phylicia deThomas
Social Studies Teacher
Junior/Senior High School
Mandi Dickman
Speech Teacher
Elementary School
Nafeeza Doria
Board Clerk, Confidential Secretary to the Board of Education and the Superintendent
Board of Education
Kim Draganchuk
Classroom Teacher
Elementary School
Lauren Durr
Assistant Principal Section 504 Coordinator (Jr/Sr High)
Junior/Senior High School
Juliea Espinosa
School Psychologist
Elementary School
Eliezer Espinosa
Spanish Teacher
Junior/Senior High School